Pittcon 2023

Tyler Allcroft ’23 at his poster

Tyler and Prof. Kovarik presented at Pittcon 2023 in Philadelphia, PA. It was great to be back at the conference and to learn about exciting work by our colleagues.

College Symposium and Honors Day

The Kovarik lab presented at the College’s spring research symposium and celebrated Honors Day. Congratulations to Jonathan Fan ’22 who received the Louis Aronne Biochemistry Award and the Lisa Nestor Teaching Award.

Jonathan Fan ’22
Tyler Allcroft ’23
Andres Rodriguez ’24
Karina Amador ’23
Cameron Esler ’25

New chemistry education papers

Some hard work coming to completion recently with the publication of two papers in Journal of Chemical Education and an ACS Symposium Series book.

Check out a paper describing an app for chemical equilibria and solubility created by Prof. Arianne Bazilio based on a case study I wrote, an article on assessments based on the primary literature co-authored by Prof. Rebecca Hunter at the College of New Jersey, and a new book Active Learning in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum co-edited by Prof. Tom Wenzel (Bates College, emeritus) and Prof. Jill Robinson (Indiana University). It has great chapters on why to use active learning and how to get started, plus I am so proud of the chapter on building and design projects that I co-authored with Prof. Liz Díaz-Vázquez and Dr. Bonny Ortiz-Andrade (University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras) and Prof. Muhsinah Morris (Morehouse College).