Undergraduate co-authors are underlined; equal contribution indicated by *.
JM Fan,* M Mehra,* K Yang, RS Chadha, S Anber, and ML Kovarik, “Cross-species applications of peptide substrate reporters to quantitative measurements of kinase activity,” ACS Measurement Science Au, 2024, doi: 10.1021/acsmeasuresciau.4c00030. [link]
AM Hupp, ML Kovarik, DA McCurry, “Emerging areas in undergraduate analytical chemistry education: Microfluidics, microcontrollers, and chemometrics,” Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 17, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anchem-061622-041922. [link]
TJ Allcroft, JT Duong, PS Skardal, and ML Kovarik, “Microfluidic single-cell measurements of oxidative stress as a function of cell cycle position,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 415, 6481-6490. [link]
ML Kovarik, JK Robinson, and TJ Wenzel, “A new resource to help instructors incorporate active learning into analytical chemistry courses,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 414, 4013-4017. [link]
TJ Wenzel, ML Kovarik, and JK Robinson, “Looking to the future of analytical chemistry education: A new resource to help instructors,” ACS Measurement Science Au, 2022, 2, 76-77. [link]
ML Kovarik, BC Galarreta, PJ Mahon, DA McCurry, AE Gerdon, SM Collier, ME Squires, “Survey of the undergraduate analytical chemistry curriculum, ” Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 99, doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00090. [link]
TJ Wenzel, ML Kovarik, and JK Robinson, eds. Active Learning in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum; ACS Symposium Series; ACS Publications: eBook, 2022; vol. 1409. [link]
ML Kovarik, JK Robinson, and TJ Wenzel, Chapter 1: “Why use active learning?” p. 1-12. [link]
ML Kovarik, LS Ott, JK Robinson, and TJ Wenzel, Chapter 2: “Getting started on active learning,” p. 13-35. [link]
ML Kovarik, and ML Morris, Chapter 11: “Active learning exercises involving building and design,” p. 181-204. [link]
RA Hunter and ML Kovarik, “Leveraging the analytical chemistry primary literature for authentic, integrated content knowledge and process skill development,” Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 99, 1238-1245. [link]
AA Bazilio, ML Kovarik, and JF Morrison, “New software application and case study that simplify teaching complex chemical equilibria and solubility, Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 99, 526-530. [link]
JR Clapis,* MJ Fan,* and ML Kovarik, “Supported bilayer membranes for reducing cell adhesion in microfluidic devices,” Analytical Methods, 2021, 13, 1535-1540. [link]
ML Kovarik, JR Clapis, and KA Romano-Pringle, “Review of student-built spectroscopy instrumentation projects,” Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 97, 2185-2195. [link]
NL Allbritton and ML Kovarik, eds. Enzyme Activity in Single Cells; Methods in Enzymology; Elsevier Academic Press: Cambridge, 2019; vol. 628. [link]
ML Kovarik and JK Robinson, “Collaborative learning exercises for teaching protein mass spectrometry,” Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, 96, 905-911. [link]
R Chadha,* G Kalminskii,* AJ Tierney, JD Knopf, L Lazo de la Vega, B McElrath, and ML Kovarik, “Effect of loading method on a peptide substrate reporter in intact cells,” Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 11344-11350. [link]
K Rodogiannis, JT Duong, and ML Kovarik, “Microfluidic single-cell analysis of oxidative stress in Dictyostelium discoideum,” Analyst, 2018, 143, 3643-3650. [link]
ML Kovarik, CR Harrison, and TJ Wenzel, “Successfully navigating the early years of a faculty position,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018, 410, 1855-1861. [link]
AJ Tierney, N Pham, K Yang, BK Emerick, and ML Kovarik, “Interspecies comparison of peptide substrate reporter metabolism using compartment-based modeling,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 409, 1173-1183. [link]
ML Kovarik, “Use of primary literature in the undergraduate analytical class,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408, 3045-3049. [link]
L Shehaj, L Lazo de la Vega, ML Kovarik, “Microfluidic chemical cytometry for enzyme assays of single cells,” Chapter 15 in Single Cell Protein Analysis: Methods and Protocols, eds. A Singh and A Chandrasekaran, vol. 1346, Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, 2015. [link]
ML Kovarik, “Analytical chemistry research at primarily undergraduate institutions: training tomorrow’s investigators,” Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 6960-6966. [link]
ML Kovarik, AJ Dickinson, P Roy, RA Poonnen, JP Fine, and NL Allbritton, “Response of single leukemic cells to peptidase inhibitor therapy across time and dose using a microfluidic device,” Integrative Biology, 2014, 6, 164-174. [link]
ML Kovarik, PK Shah, PM Armistead, and NL Allbritton, “Microfluidic chemical cytometry of peptide degradation in single drug-treated acute myeloid leukemia cells,” Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 4991-4997. [link]
ML Kovarik, DM Ornoff, AT Melvin, NC Dobes, Y Wang, AJ Dickinson,PC Gach, PK Shah, and NL Allbritton, “Micro total analysis systems: Fundamental advances and applications in the laboratory, clinic, and field,” Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 451-472. [link]
ML Kovarik, PC Gach, DM Ornoff, Y Wang, J Balowski, L Farrag, and NL Allbritton, “Micro total analysis systems for cell biology and biochemical analysis,” Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 516-540. [link]
ML Kovarik, H.-H. Lai, JC Xiong, and NL Allbritton, “Sample transport and electrokinetic injection in a microchip device for chemical cytometry,” Electrophoresis, 2011, 32, 3180-3187. [link]
ML Kovarik and NL Allbritton, “Measuring enzyme activity in single cells,” Trends in Biotechnology, 2011, 29, 222-230. [link]
ML Kovarik, PJB Brown, DT Kysela, C Berne, AC Kinsella, YV Brun, and SC Jacobson, “A microchannel-nanopore device for bacterial chemotaxis assays,” Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 9357–9364. [link]
ML Kovarik,*K Zhou,* and SC Jacobson, “Effect of conical nanopore diameter on ion current rectification,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113, 15960-15966. [link]
ML Kovarik and SC Jacobson, “Nanofluidics in lab-on-a-chip devices,” Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 7133-7140. [link]
K Zhou, ML Kovarik, and SC Jacobson, “Surface-charge-induced ion depletion and sample stacking near single nanopores in microfluidic devices,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 8614-8616. [link]
ML Kovarik and SC Jacobson, “Integrated nanopore/microchannel devices for ac electrokinetic trapping of particles,” Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 657-664. [link]
ML Kovarik and SC Jacobson, “Attoliter-scale dispensing in nanofluidic channels,” Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 79, 1655-1660. [link]
D Zhu, Z Mu, C Mooty, M Kovarik, and M Jay, “Suspensions of fluor-containing nanoparticles for quantifying β-emitting radionuclides in non-hazardous media,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2006, Sept/Oct, 76-82. [link]
ML Kovarik and SC Jacobson, “Fabrication of three-dimensional micro- and nanoscale features with single-exposure photolithography,” Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 5214-5217. [link]
ML Kovarik, MW Li, RS and Martin, “Integration of a carbon microelectrode with a fabricated palladium decoupler for use in microchip capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry,” Electrophoresis, 2005, 26, 202-210. [link]
DM Spence, NJ Torrence, ML Kovarik, and RS Martin, “Amperometric determination of nitric oxide derived from pulmonary artery endothelial cells immobilized in a microchip channel,” Analyst, 2004, 995-1000. [link]
ML Kovarik, NJ Torrence, DM Spence, and RS Martin, “Fabrication of carbon microelectrodes with a micromolding technique and their use in microchip-based flow analyses,”Analyst, 2004, 400-405. [link]