New chemistry education papers

Some hard work coming to completion recently with the publication of two papers in Journal of Chemical Education and an ACS Symposium Series book.

Check out a paper describing an app for chemical equilibria and solubility created by Prof. Arianne Bazilio based on a case study I wrote, an article on assessments based on the primary literature co-authored by Prof. Rebecca Hunter at the College of New Jersey, and a new book Active Learning in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum co-edited by Prof. Tom Wenzel (Bates College, emeritus) and Prof. Jill Robinson (Indiana University). It has great chapters on why to use active learning and how to get started, plus I am so proud of the chapter on building and design projects that I co-authored with Prof. Liz Díaz-Vázquez and Dr. Bonny Ortiz-Andrade (University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras) and Prof. Muhsinah Morris (Morehouse College).